The Age of Chance
Gerda Reith
Not Available
Social and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi
Bidyut Delhi University and 1 more
Hayek and After
Jeremy Shearmur
The Social and Political Thought of George Orwell
Stephen Ingle
Pauline Johnson
Marxism & Scientific Socialism
Paul Thomas
Reflexive Historical Sociology
Arpad Szakolczai
Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Social Democracy
Mark Olssen
Young Citizens and New Media
Peter Dahlgren
German Political Philosophy
Chris Thornhill
Pareto and Political Theory
Joseph V Femia
Social Theory in Contemporary Asia
Ann Brooks
Sustainability and Security within Liberal Societies
Stephen Gough
Democratic Legitimacy
Fabienne Peter
Governmentality, Biopower, and Everyday Life
Majia Holmer Nadesan
Adorno, Habermas and the Search for a Rational Society
Deborah Windsor University and 1 more
Frankfurt School Perspectives on Globalization, Democracy, and the Law
William E Scheuerman
Richard Howson
The Political Philosophy of Michel Foucault
Mark GE Kelly
Globalizing Dissent
Ranjan Ghosh
The Quest for Jewish Assimilation in Modern Social Science
Amos University of Haifa MorrisReich
The Contemporary Goffman
Michael Hviid Jacobsen
Edward Said and the Literary, Social, and Political World
Enlightenment Political Thought and Non-Western Societies
Frederick G Whelan
Ulrich Bröckling
The Structure of Social Theory
Anthony King
The Mythological State and its Empire
David Grant
Gambling, Freedom and Democracy
Peter J Adams
Alienation and the Carnivalization of Society
Jerome Braun
Socialism and Religion
Vincent Geoghegan
Deconstructing Habermas
Lasse Thomassen
Perspectives on Gramsci
Joseph Francese
The Political Thought of Andre Gorz
Adrian Little
The Post-Colonial State in the Era of Capitalist Globalization
Tariq AminKhan
Graeme Cardiff University and 1 more
Adam Smith's Political Philosophy
Craig University of Glasgow and 1 more
The Age of Reasons
Wendy Motooka
The Intellectual as Stranger
Dick Pels
John Stuart Mill and Freedom of Expression
KC ORourke
The Genesis of Modernity
Gender, Emotions and Labour Markets - Asian and Western Perspectives
Ann Brooks and 1 more
Oppositional Discourses and Democracies
Michael Huspek
Metaphor and the Dynamics of Knowledge
Sabine Maasen and 1 more
Hermeneutic Dialogue and Social Science
Austin Harrington
Hayek's Liberalism and Its Origins
Christina Petsoulas
The Politics of Atrocity and Reconciliation
Michael Humphrey
Goffman and Social Organization
Greg Smith
Individualism in Modern Thought
Lorenzo Infantino
Classical Individualism
Tibor R Machan
Deleuze, Marx and Politics
Nicholas Thoburn
Wittgenstein and the Idea of a Critical Social Theory
Nigel Pleasants
Durkheim and Representations
W S F Pickering
On Durkheim's Elementary Forms of Religious Life
NJ Allen
The Nature of Capital
Richard Marsden
Durkheim's Suicide
WSF Pickering
Property and Power in Social Theory
The Reading of Theoretical Texts
Peter Ekegren
The Psychology and Politics of the Collective
Ruth ParkinGounelas
Marx and Wittgenstein
Gavin Kitching
Environmental Solidarity
Pablo Martínez de Anguita
Cosmopolitanism and the Legacies of Dissent
Tamara Caraus
Methodological Individualism
Lars Udehn
Corruption, Capitalism and Democracy
John Girling
Tocqueville's Political and Moral Thought
MRR Ossewaarden
Freedom in Economics
Marc Fleurbaey
Phenomenology of Youth Cultures and Globalization
Stuart R Poyntz
The Politics and Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott
Stuart and 1 more
Environmental Apocalypse in Science and Art
Sergio Fava
Culture, Class, and Critical Theory
David University of South Alabama and 1 more
Comedy and the Public Sphere
The Politics of Expertise
Stephen P Turner
Understanding the Tacit
Conflicts in Social Science
Anton Van Harskamp
Hemingway on Politics and Rebellion
Lauretta Conklin Frederking
Ignorance and Liberty
Conspicuous and Inconspicuous Discriminations in Everyday Life
Victor N Shaw
The Dialectics of Inquiry Across the Historical Social Sciences
David Baronov
Reconstructing Social Justice
The Politics of Rationality
Charles Webel
Gramsci, Materialism, and Philosophy
Esteve York University and 1 more
The Political Economy of Civil Society and Human Rights
Gary B Madison
John Rawls and the History of Political Thought
Jeffrey Bercuson
The Metaphysics of Technology
David Skrbina
The New Materialism
Geoff Pfeifer
Emotions and Social Change
David Lemmings
The History of Compulsory Voting in Europe
Anthoula Malkopoulou
Authenticity, Autonomy and Multiculturalism
Geoffrey Brahm Levey
Rosa Luxemburg in Action
Rosemary H T OKane
Deciphering Goffman
Ramon Vargas Maseda
Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Total Domination
Michal University of Haifa and 1 more
The Property-Owning Democracy
Gavin Queens University Belfast and 1 more
Marxism, Religion and Ideology
David Bates
Re-Grounding Cosmopolitanism
Distributive Justice Debates in Political and Social Thought
Camilla Boisen
Aviezer Harvard University and 1 more
Gramsci’s Critique of Civil Society
Marco Fonseca
The Sociology of Knowledge in a Time of Crisis
Onofrio Romano
What Holism Can Do for Social Theory
Barbara Hanson
Stuart R Poyntz and 1 more
China in Early Enlightenment Political Thought
Simon University of Kings College and 2 more
Jürgen Habermas and the European Economic Crisis
Gaspare M Genna
Liberty, Toleration and Equality
John William Tate
Progressive Violence
Michael Boise State University and 3 more
Democracy, Dialogue, Memory
Idit Alphandary and 1 more
Ramón Vargas Maseda
Weber, Schumpeter and Modern Capitalism
John Love
Peter Berger on Modernization and Modernity
Robert Marshall University and 1 more
Complexity, Society and Social Transactions
Thomas Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and 1 more
Elementary Forms of Social Relations
Theodore D St Johns University and 1 more
The Countercultural Logic of Neoliberalism
David Hancock
Crisis and Critique
Rodrigo Cordero
Hubris and Progress
Carlo Bordoni
Critical Theories and the Budapest School
John La Trobe University and 1 more
Social Change in a Material World
Theodore R University of Kentucky and 1 more
Work: Marxist and Systems-Theoretical Approaches
Stefan Kühl
Community as the Material Basis of Citizenship
Rodolfo Rosales
Gavin Kerr
Michael Blain and 1 more
Groundwork for the Practice of the Good Life
Omedi Ochieng
Deconstructing Happiness
Jordan McKenzie
Modernity and Crisis in the Thought of Michel Foucault
Matan The Academic College of TelAviv Yaffo and 1 more
Planet Utopia
Mark Featherstone
Novels and the Sociology of the Contemporary
Experiencing Multiple Realities
Marius Ion George Bariiu History Institute and 1 more
Social Life and Political Life in the Era of Digital Media
David York University and 1 more
Toward a Hermeneutic Theory of Social Practices
Dimitri Ginev
The Cultural Contradictions of Anti-Capitalism
Daniel Fletcher
Genealogies of Emotions, Intimacies, and Desire
Norbert Elias and the Analysis of History and Sport
Joannes van Gestel
Human Flourishing, Liberal Theory, and the Arts
Menachem Tel Aviv University and 2 more
David Buckinghamshire New University and 1 more
Globalized Knowledge Flows and Chinese Social Theory
Xiaoying Qi
How Groups Matter
Gideon Calder
Imaginaries of Modernity
John Rundell
Common Sense as a Paradigm of Thought
Tim Delaney
Theories of the Stranger
Vince Deakin University and 1 more
Idit Tel Aviv University and 1 more
Rethinking Liberalism for the 21st Century
Giunia Gatta
Politics Through the Iliad and the Odyssey
Andrea Catanzaro
Political Fraternity
Angel Puyol
Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy
James Gledhill
The Social Life of Nothing
Susie Scott
The Fascist Temptation
David BenGurion University of the Negev and 1 more
From Hitler to Codreanu
Carlos Manuel University of Lisbon and 1 more
Accumulating Capital Today
Marlène ParisDauphine University and 1 more
Functionalist Construction Work in Social Science
Peter Sohlberg
Nationalism, Inequality and England’s Political Predicament
Charles University of Portsmouth and 1 more
A Politics of Disgust
Eleonora Joensuu
The Lived Experiences of Muslims in Europe
Des University College Dublin and 1 more
Citizenship in the Globalized World
Christine Louise Hobden
The Intellectual Origins of Modernity
David Ohana
Ethical Politics and Modern Society
James JiaHau Academia Sinica and 1 more
Max Weber's Sociology of Civilizations
Stephen Kalberg
Max Weber's Sociology of Civilizations: A Reconstruction
Stephen Boston University and 1 more
James Gledhill and 1 more
Consciousness and the Neoliberal Subject
Jon Bailes
Anatomies of Modern Discontent
Thomas S Henricks
The Early Austrian School of Economics
Christopher AdairToteff
A Marxist Theory of Ideology
Andrea St Marys University and 1 more
Political Correctness: A Sociocultural Black Hole
Thomas University of Athens and 1 more
The Individual After Modernity
Mira University of Warsaw and 1 more
Stupidity in Politics
Nobutaka Otobe
The Politics of Well-Being
Anthony M Clohesy
Marlène Benquet and 1 more
Carlos Manuel Martins
Making Citizenship Work
Rodolfo The University of Texas at San Antonio and 1 more
Peter Norwegian University of Science and Technology and 1 more
Critical Rationalism and the Theory of Society
Masoud Mohammadi Institute for Management and Planning Studies IMPS and 1 more
Connecting Practices
Elizabeth Lancaster University and 1 more
Marx, Engels and the Philosophy of Science
David University of New Brunswick and 3 more
Towards a Sociology of the Open Society
Critical Theory and New Materialisms
Hartmut Institut für Soziologie and 2 more
Cultural Capital and Creative Communication
Oana University of Bucharest and 1 more
Bourdieu's Philosophy and Sociology of Science
KyungMan Sogang University and 1 more
Nation and State in Max Weber
Jack Australian Catholic University Barbalet
Radical Civility
Jason University of HoustonDowntown and 1 more
The Political Durkheim
Matt University of Glasgow and 1 more
Utopia without Ideology
Ambrogio University of Perugia and 1 more
Civilization, Modernity, and Critique
Lubomír Dunaj and 2 more
The World as Idea
Charles P University of New York in Prague Webel
Temporal Regimes
Felipe Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and 1 more
The Not So Outrageous Idea of a Christian Sociology
Joseph A George Mason University and 1 more
Joseph A Scimecca
Against the Background of Social Reality
Carmelo SapienzaUniversity of Rome and 1 more
Marcel Gauchet and the Crisis of Democratic Politics
Natalie J Monash University and 2 more
Max Weber and the Path from Political Economy to Economic Sociology
Christopher University of South Florida and 1 more
The Cognitive Foundations of Classical Sociological Theory
Ryan Lakehead University and 1 more
Illusion and Fetishism in Critical Theory
Vasilis Grollios
Social Theory and the Political Imaginary
Craig University of Sydney and 1 more
Being a Lived Body
Tonino Griffero
Nathalie Bulle
Lockean Property Ethics and Restitution
David Jarrett
Nationalism and Hegemony
Michaelangelo University of Cyprus and 1 more
Karl Polanyi and the Paradoxes of the Double Movement
John Vail
Critical Theory of Coloniality
Paulo Henrique Federal University of Pernambuco and 1 more
Revisiting Social Theory
D V Kumar
Alfred Schutz, Phenomenology, and the Renewal of Interpretive Social Science
Besnik Pula
David Bedford and 1 more
Gabriel Tarde
David Toews
Understanding Recognition
Piotr Kulas and 2 more
Outlines of a Theory of Plural Habitus
Miklós Hadas
Max Weber's Sociology
Populism as Governmental Practice
Toygar Sinan Baykan
Oana erban
KyungMan Kim
Liberty, Governance and Resistance
Communicative Reason
Patrick OMahony
Science Meets Philosophy
Hans Chr Garmann Johnsen
J M Barbalet
Matt Dawson
Jason Caro
Utopia Without Ideology
Ambrogio Santambrogio
Social Imaginary and the Metaphysical Discourse
Christoforos Bouzanis
Innovation Contested
Benoît Godin
Tamara Caraus and 1 more
Political Thought of Hume and His Contemporaries
Myth, Society and Profanation
William Pawlett
Regimes of Capital in the Post-Digital Age
Szymon Wróbel and 1 more
Carmelo Lombardo and 1 more
Revolution and Constitutionalism in Britain and the U.S
David A J Richards
Creating Democracy
Charles Hersch
Four Philosophers and the Bomb
Alberto Castelli and 3 more
Reconsidering Habermas's Colonization Thesis
Roderick Condon
Fraternity as an Overlooked Element in Global Politics
Joanna Kulska and 1 more
Hume's Conventionalism
Brian Chen
Ángel Puyol González
Theodore R Schatzki
Revolutionary Hope in a Time of Crisis
Masa Mrovlje and 1 more
Árpád Szakolczai
JeanFrancois Lasier
Max Weber and Michel Foucault